Thursday, September 18, 2008

Virgin Territory

Ahh...a blog. MY blog. I always read other blogs, laughing and whatnot at the events of their lives. Never thought it would be something I would think I would do. For some reason, today, I decided, Hey Maybe I Do. So here we go.

I guess I could start off with a little about myself. I am in my mid twenties working at a law firm in a downtown midwest city. Not too exciting, but that is where I am at! I live my boyfriend of over 5 years. Not exactly sure on how long we have been together, I am not really an anniversary, exact date we started "dating" type of gal. Neither am I the "marrying" kind or "baby-machine" kind. Never thought I would do either. Although, J would really like the kid part. Gross. Dirty diapers, expensive things not for me, trying to find a baby-sitter if we decide to go out for a night.....not my style.

I started school again, a certificate program. I do have a bachelors degree from a university. The angle my life has taken made me decide to go back and get the right training for the job I have been doing for awhile now, to increase pay and opportunities.

I like to shop, read, watch t.v., run, workout, cook, bake and try new recipes. I have two different groups of friends, and sometimes things get sticky....Especially when you have to choose one event over another.

I don't really know what this blog will end up being about, or if I will even continue it, and if I do, for how long.

This weekend I have a bridal shower and a bachelorette party for a wedding I am in. I have a lot of baking and cooking to do for this shindig, the Bachelorette Party. Not only baking and cooking, but I must go get mucho amount of 1$ bills, as there will be a male stripper making an appearance at the home. Following the flopping around of an almost naked man in (hopefully!) a hot pink G-string, we will be loading onto a party bus to take us to a downtown city to most likely blackout.

J is going to see the Cubbies play, I mean WIN, this Friday night. He left this morning, and I have a feeling I will not see him until Sunday. Let the SINGLE LIFE BEGIN! This morning, after a quickie goodbye....wink, wink.....and after my shower, while waiting for the steamer to start to steam and before I put on clothes....I re-arranged the living room furniture. Yes, I know, naked re-arranging IS a good time! Back story- Last Sunday, J decided he wanted to re-arrange the living room. I obliged, mostly because I was too hung over to argue, and let him have his way. I did not like it. It looked a mess, it looked lazy and sloppy. Since he is going to be gone until Sunday....I re-re-arranged it back to the way I like it.

Stay tuned for more! I know, super interesting, huh...

Penis Cakes and 5 miles

Another post already. Wow, am I bored at work....

So tonight is supposed to be my long run. At least 5 miles tonight is my goal. After my run, head to the grocery store, aka Aldi's, to pick up everything I need to make:
  • Veggie Pizza
  • Buffalo Chicken Dip
  • Mini Cheesecakes
  • Peanut Butter Brownie Cookies

This is all for the Bachelorette Party on Saturday night. It is going to be a great time!

I am training for a 10k, so 5 miles is almost there. The day I actually DO run a 10k will be amazing. I think 5 miles is amazing! For so long, I had been stuck at about 3 miles, a little more, a little less. So 5 is good. Also? I wouldn't mind losing 10 pounds. I am decently happy with my weight, but a little less of me would not do any harm to anyone.