Wednesday, December 3, 2008

What a Way... spend my vacation! I was so sick in bed the entire time. I missed two days of work. I am here now, and am leaving within the next thirty minutes. I feel like I may be dying. Ok, maybe not that horrible, but pretty close.

You get so used to routine and BAM. Something screws it up. On Wednesday, I ran a beautiful 5.2ish miles outiside in the beautiful November weather the Midwest sometimes receives. It was to be my last in the gorgeous weather. Friday was BE-A-U-TIFUL and I could not get up off the couch. Moved to the bed and laid there for four days.

When can I run again?? I know it will not be today and will not be tomorrow. I feel like I am going to have to start over! I know that is not true, I will be able to pound out a few, but it feels like such a setback.

I have finals next week and had planned on studying and doing my research all weekend. That went out the window. Thank god finals were not this week, I would fail.

I am leaving work soon to go home and sleep and make mashed cauliflower with peas, carrot strips and some leftover turkey thrown in.

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Gobble Gobble!

Half day at work, who's excited! This girl! Super easy day, attorney out of the office. The receptionist is gone as well, so we all take turns on the phone. Today I am 10-11am. Which is perfect! Surf the net for an hour, probably take off earlier than noon and I am done!!!

  • Gym
  • Desert
  • Pack
  • Straighten Apartment
  • Shower
  • Take Family Photos for a friend
  • MEET GIRLFRIENDS AT ANNUAL NBT BAR!!! (night before Thanksgiving=NBT)

I love NBT. Every year my highschool (some from junior high!) girlfriends and I get together at a townie bar back home and drink. EVERYONE who is ANYONE is there, so you always run into so many people. This year we have put a cap on the amount of booze, though...some were a little too hungover to enjoy their turkey last year! As for me, I have a run planned in the morning, so hopefully that will keep me somewhat on track. Not sure how far, I need to map out a course around my parents house.

Last night at the gym I took it easy on my running. Two slow miles on the treadmill, 2 miles=21.14. Still a little sore from the Turkey Trot on Sunday, but it is so much better after a day of rest and the heating pad.

Finals are coming up! ArG! need to get studying in....I am such a procrastinator! There is just so much to do, it is a little overwhelming.

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Long Time, No Write!

So, I start a blog, then abandon it. I guess I have been busy and not had too much to say!

Well, I finally got in a five miler, like I had been talking about doing. I just ran a Turkey Trot on November 23, four miles. I think about two of the miles were uphill! Torture! I just kept repeating, hills are your friend, hills are your friend....don't walk, don't walk....

I got a great time, for me! 37.30 for four miles, especially when I was moving so slow uphill. I am very proud! I do believe I hurt my glutteus minimus. I used a heating pad last night and things seem to be feeling a little better, although still painful. I laid off the running, strength training and any other form of exercise last night. But I do want to run tonight. We will see how I feel.

I am in charge of desert for Thanksgiving, and there are three that I am making. I want to have them finished by Wed., so I do not have to worry about using the oven and kitchen when the main meal is being prepared!

I am planning a morning run on Turkey Day...Hopefully it pans out like that!

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

I am ready to go. GO. Work is frustrating. Some attorneys are changing offices, therefore the Paralegals are following. So I am moving to a different desk, in another part of the office. It is a mess. Everyone is FREAKING OUT. They have been in the same spot for 13 or more years and are just thrown into a tizzy!!

The lady who I will no longer be sitting next to, THANK THE LORD, is the worst. She is random and talks about the weirdest things. The other day she walks by my desk and said, "My aunt weighs 72 pounds." Really? I mean, What!!!??? She is crazy. She just turned 50 and calls her "Mummiieee" every morning at 8 am and talks about her husband and her corns and her life and shit I DO NOT WANT to hear about. For reals, yo! ahahhaa. I am not gangsta, but I had to say that!

Don't Want To Jinx Myself.....

...BUT. I am feeling better. Planning on a run tonight if I don't have to stay late at work. I REALLY NEED TO RUN. !!!!!

I am going to a Pampered Chef Party tonight. I want a cupcake carrier! I hope they have one!

Class was easy and short last night, Yay! Out in 45 minutes, that is a record!

I keep thinking how I want to get out there and run. It makes me sad not to. But sometimes, I feel like I just need a break. Along with my head and my body. I need to learn not to feel guilty for taking a few days off, or even a week. If my body is run down, I should listen to it.

I just know the longer you are gone, the more endurance you lose. Sometimes I feel like I am starting over. I had such a good 5k race, and now I feel like I am going downhill.

I just need to get back in the game. I talk a lot of talk, but I am going to have to walk the walk...I CAN DO IT. Now, if my friends would stop getting married and asking me to be a bridesmaid....Just kidding, I love it. (sort of, it is kind of pricey!)

Tuesday, October 28, 2008


Still trying to fight this, whatever it is....Please hold off until next week! I am bridesmaid this weekend!

No run. I am lazy and my body needs sleep, I can tell. I hit the snooze from 6.15 am until 6.45 am. Not good.

Finally got to the grocery store last night! Very happy to do that. 85$ later, I have choices for dinner, lunch and breakfast again!

I hate feeling like this. My energy is down, my head hurts, I have no

Class tonight, then some more homework. Does it ever end!!!!

Monday, October 27, 2008

Case of the Mondays

So this weekend was super fun, until I started barfing in flimsy paper bags on the way home from Chicago. Arh. Something bad in the cheeseburger is what I am going with. Still suffering from a headache. Being super lazy and skipping the gym tonight and going to the food store insttead. I have not been in about 4 or 5 weeks and my fridge can tell. But I LOVE going grocery shopping! Looking at the labels, comparing prices, deciding what to get...

So, I want to support my back on the wagon, no drinking! I only had keg beer on Saturday and felt hellacious. Although I will be drinking at the wedding I am in this Saturday. Have to. HAVE TO. anyway...

My girlfriend, one of the only runners in my group, decided we should run the Chicago Marathon, 2010. I think it is a great idea and can't wait. Ok, I can, but you know what I mean. I need to step up the training hardcore. Although it is going to have to wait until Tuesday. I plan on going for a run after class Tuesday, unless I can drag my tired ass out of bed tomorrow morning at 5.30 am. Which I used to do every day last winter...let's look at some of the reasons this has not been happening this year.
  • I got a new job and no longer have to commute 1 hour to work and 1 hour home
  • I joined a gym 5 minutes from my house
  • I have gotten lazy
  • I have gotten used to working out at night
  • I have gotten used to sleeping in until 6.30 am
  • I have started staying up later, corresponding to my new wake up time...

When I had my job that was 1 hour away, my boss paid for a gym membership. I would get up at 5.30 am, drink some coffee on the commute, hit the gym, shower, go to work, go home, immediatley start dinner. That was also how I lost 10 pounds. Now my weight loss has stopped and my workouts are less than consistent. I really would like to get back into the am workout routine, but it is going to take some serious commitent on my part.