Wednesday, October 29, 2008

I am ready to go. GO. Work is frustrating. Some attorneys are changing offices, therefore the Paralegals are following. So I am moving to a different desk, in another part of the office. It is a mess. Everyone is FREAKING OUT. They have been in the same spot for 13 or more years and are just thrown into a tizzy!!

The lady who I will no longer be sitting next to, THANK THE LORD, is the worst. She is random and talks about the weirdest things. The other day she walks by my desk and said, "My aunt weighs 72 pounds." Really? I mean, What!!!??? She is crazy. She just turned 50 and calls her "Mummiieee" every morning at 8 am and talks about her husband and her corns and her life and shit I DO NOT WANT to hear about. For reals, yo! ahahhaa. I am not gangsta, but I had to say that!

Don't Want To Jinx Myself.....

...BUT. I am feeling better. Planning on a run tonight if I don't have to stay late at work. I REALLY NEED TO RUN. !!!!!

I am going to a Pampered Chef Party tonight. I want a cupcake carrier! I hope they have one!

Class was easy and short last night, Yay! Out in 45 minutes, that is a record!

I keep thinking how I want to get out there and run. It makes me sad not to. But sometimes, I feel like I just need a break. Along with my head and my body. I need to learn not to feel guilty for taking a few days off, or even a week. If my body is run down, I should listen to it.

I just know the longer you are gone, the more endurance you lose. Sometimes I feel like I am starting over. I had such a good 5k race, and now I feel like I am going downhill.

I just need to get back in the game. I talk a lot of talk, but I am going to have to walk the walk...I CAN DO IT. Now, if my friends would stop getting married and asking me to be a bridesmaid....Just kidding, I love it. (sort of, it is kind of pricey!)

Tuesday, October 28, 2008


Still trying to fight this, whatever it is....Please hold off until next week! I am bridesmaid this weekend!

No run. I am lazy and my body needs sleep, I can tell. I hit the snooze from 6.15 am until 6.45 am. Not good.

Finally got to the grocery store last night! Very happy to do that. 85$ later, I have choices for dinner, lunch and breakfast again!

I hate feeling like this. My energy is down, my head hurts, I have no

Class tonight, then some more homework. Does it ever end!!!!

Monday, October 27, 2008

Case of the Mondays

So this weekend was super fun, until I started barfing in flimsy paper bags on the way home from Chicago. Arh. Something bad in the cheeseburger is what I am going with. Still suffering from a headache. Being super lazy and skipping the gym tonight and going to the food store insttead. I have not been in about 4 or 5 weeks and my fridge can tell. But I LOVE going grocery shopping! Looking at the labels, comparing prices, deciding what to get...

So, I want to support my back on the wagon, no drinking! I only had keg beer on Saturday and felt hellacious. Although I will be drinking at the wedding I am in this Saturday. Have to. HAVE TO. anyway...

My girlfriend, one of the only runners in my group, decided we should run the Chicago Marathon, 2010. I think it is a great idea and can't wait. Ok, I can, but you know what I mean. I need to step up the training hardcore. Although it is going to have to wait until Tuesday. I plan on going for a run after class Tuesday, unless I can drag my tired ass out of bed tomorrow morning at 5.30 am. Which I used to do every day last winter...let's look at some of the reasons this has not been happening this year.
  • I got a new job and no longer have to commute 1 hour to work and 1 hour home
  • I joined a gym 5 minutes from my house
  • I have gotten lazy
  • I have gotten used to working out at night
  • I have gotten used to sleeping in until 6.30 am
  • I have started staying up later, corresponding to my new wake up time...

When I had my job that was 1 hour away, my boss paid for a gym membership. I would get up at 5.30 am, drink some coffee on the commute, hit the gym, shower, go to work, go home, immediatley start dinner. That was also how I lost 10 pounds. Now my weight loss has stopped and my workouts are less than consistent. I really would like to get back into the am workout routine, but it is going to take some serious commitent on my part.

Friday, October 24, 2008

I have...

... a headache that will not go away. I have had it for about two weeks. I don't know if I should go to the eye doctor or what.

I am feeling a LOT better, minus the headache. I only ran on Monday and it really bums me out. I love to run and when I do it only once a week, it is depressing. How am I ever going to get enough mileage up to run a 10k, 15k or even a half? I feel like things get in the way. I need to revisit my morning routine that I did all last winter. It is so hard to start, but once you do...well, it gets so much easier!

HUGE HALLOWEEN PARTY this weekend! In Chicago, super excited. Get to see all my Highschool girls that I love and am still great friends with, going on 4 years out of college.

Going to be a fun weekend if I can get over this headache!

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

I am trying so hard to fight it! I don't want to get sick...I hate it, it is no fun!

That 5 mile run may be pushed back. I think my best bet is to go home and do that brief and sit on the couch. I usually don't say this, but I am glad it is Wednesday and not Thursday yet. I have too much to do!

Just found out a girlfriend of mine started her own blog, check it out!

I read about the woman who got the best time in the Nike Marathon and did not win! I am very sad for her, although happy because she got a great PR!

Time to...

..break out the Emergen-C! Feeling a little under the weather and need to keep it at bay. Have too much to do to get sick! I need to finish my brief for class, finish my Wayn'es World Hat, go grocery shopping, get in some runs, clean the house and find a flannel, also for my costume.

Jimmy Johns for lunch today, very excited about that! They are painting the kitchen at work, so it is closed for the day.

Class last night was a bore...although the homework assignment I was freaking out about is postponed until next week. !!!!

Plan to do a 5 miler after work, but it will depend on how I feel. I really want to do it, but not at the expense of my health!

Drinking green tea at the moment,hope it will help! Who doesn't put a string on a tea bag? Whitefield Estates Green Tea, that's who. Annoying! Trying to get your fingers in the hot water to make the tea bag go up and down. I guess I could leave it alone, but I feel like I get more out of my tea if I move the bag around....????

My desk at work is overflowing with files and I cannot find the motivation to do the work to get them gone. Maybe I will call in on Friday, if I still feel like this....a day on the couch sleeping would be heaven!

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

The Clif Z bar...

Chocolate brownie flavor is Awesome!!! I just ate it, and it was sooo good. I like most other flavors, but this one was off the charts good. Chocolatey, fudgey, yummy!! New favorite flavor. Peanut Butter is pretty good, but this one tops it!

Tuesday Again

I am not good at blogging, I have decided. I will try to get better. Anyway. That is my admission.

On Saturday I ran my third race. (!!!) Third 5k, just for clarification. So proud of myself! I recruited 2 friends to join me, and we had fun. There were only 35 entrants, all women. It was a women only race. I got 18 out of 35. Not bad, not bad! And! My PR! 29.30. Go Me.

I am so inspired by everyone out there who is running half's and full's...How DO you Do it? I only aspire to be able to do that....and hopefully some day I will. The farthest I have ran is 5 miles in under 55 minutes. Someday....

Other than running, not much else happening. I am LOVING my new heart rate monitor. Love.It.

Class tonight. That blows. The homework for this week was so frustrating, that I did not even finish. I can't believe I did that. I never NOT do my homework! Although, we are going to go over it in class, as I am not the only one who was having issues.

I am still behind on my half on my Halloween costume. I am Wayne. My best girlfriend is going be Garth. It is actually a pretty perfect idea for us.

Ran 2 miles last night on the treadmill after a 60 minute bodypump class. Plan to go to the gym after class tonight for a 45-60 minute cardio, but that also depends on how I feel after class and what time we get out.

Peace Out, Girl Scout.

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Long One...

...Day that is. Feel like it is going to be a long day. I had class last night from 6-8.15. Good news, though! Apparently the midterm not only left me dissapointed with how much I studied and the D I got, but others as well. My teacher said there were a few questions that the whole class got wrong and she is going to through them out. Also, the computer graded more harshly than she would have, so there are some more points there as well. Good News. Makes me happy. I studied A LOT for this exam, went in thinking I knew everything and almost cried when the computer shot a D at me. Hopefully, it will turn into a C.

So no workout or run last night, due to being very tired and getting home at 8.30 and needing to eat dinner and ice the birthday cake for my mom's 50th bday party tonight. There will also be no workout tonight, either. Boo. BUT. It is ok. I will workout Thursday and Friday. I have a 5k on Saturday, and plan to workout on Sunday. So I guess my two rest days will be Tuesday and Wednesday this week. Although, I would like to only have one rest day a week. I am hoping that will help the weight loss.

I have been super good about my eating and calorie consumption this week, so far.
Monday: Eaten 1580
Burned 440 (body pump and run 2 miles)
Tuesday: Eaten 1400-1500
No exercise
Wednesday: Eaten (this is what I am aiming for, after calculating dinner and cake...) 1400
No Exercise

So far, so good. I have no idea if I will lose any weight this week. I made a mistake and stepped on the scale Monday after my workout. 146 point something. I know it is not a good idea to weigh at night. My weigh in days for now are Saturday mornings, before eating with no clothes on. Last Saturday (october 11) was 143.4. To see that jump up is sad, but I know about flucuations and water retention, blah blah blah....Hopefully, good thoughts this week....

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Do I Have To Go....??

Last night was BodyPump, an awesome 60 minute, full body weight lifting class at Gold's Gym. At the beginning of class, the teacher let us know that an "average" person with "'minimal" weight burns about 440 calories a class. So, of course, wearing my new heart rate monitor, I was very excited to see how many calories I burn! At the end of the class, I check. Barely 200. WHAT??? Good thing I did that, I went and ran two miles on the treadmill, to end up with a total burn of 440. I don't know if it was because it was my first time back in about 3-4 weeks and I used lighter weights, since I did not want to SUPER SORE today. Next class is either tomorrow morning at 5.30 am or Thursday night at 6.30, so I will see how many I burn then. And surprisingly, the treadmill heart rate and calorie burn was pretty accurate! You always read that they are WAY off. Well, not last night!

I have a race this weekend, a 5k. No big deal. It is my friend's first race, and she is not super fast, so I told her I would keep her pace for her first race. I do that with all my friends on their first race, I keep their pace. After their first, they are on their own!

My mom's 50th Birthday is Wed. I am in charge of desert and the cake. Of Course. I am a desert genius, and am well known in the family for my creations. I am making a homemade chocolate vanilla marble cake, lemon cream cheese cupcakes and thin mint fudge. Sounds awesome, and I am not going to eat all day just so I can have some of everything, heheheee...

So I weighed myself on Saturday morning, after a run and some errands and before breakfast and after using the bathroom. Follow that?!?! Anyway...143.4 pounds. Not bad, I was expecting a little higher. So hopefully on Saturday this week, it will say 142 point something!
I don't want to get too excited...I have a hard time losing weight, and it seems like I am dissapointed every time I step on the scale.
Also, I am going to cut WAY back on the booze. Did well this past weekend. Not one drop. I want this weekend to go the same way. The next weekend I will be at a Halloween party in Chicago, so I will be drinking. But only on Saturday night. The next weekend I am in a wedding and will FOR SURE be drinking the night of the wedding, due to many issues....
A. 2 ex-boyfriends and an ex fling will be present
B. The 2 ex-boyfriends are also IN THE WEDDING PARTY WITH ME
C. My boyfriend of 6 years will NOT be attending, due to family prior commitment
D. I feel this wedding is a really bad idea
E. The dress is not all that cute
F. The wedding is in November in Illinois and the dress is strapless and goes to my kness, with strappy sandal shoes. I.WILL.FREEZE.

I guess that about covers the wedding weekend......

Thursday, October 9, 2008

Thursday Night Activities

So far this blog has been pretty boring. Ah, is my life at times!
Last night did a short run with my new toy.

STATS: 335 calories burned
31.50 minutes cto go about that. Speaking of treadmill, I have not been to the gym in FOR.EV.ER! I have been running outside, enjoying the transition from Spring to Fall, one of my favorite times ever. Something about Fall just makes me want to run more. The leaves, the wind, the smells, the temperature.

Tonight's plan:
  • Grey's (!!!!!!!)
  • Run for 40 minutes if not longer
  • Make veggie stir fry

Arrggg my place is a mess! I clean every Saturday (If I am home and not busy!) and by Thursday, it is just a mess. I don't know what to do or how to become neater. I have been messy my entire life, and keep hoping it will change. I try and do well for a few weeks, then fall back into whatever pattern it is that keeps my house a mess.

New Toy

I have been wanting a heart rate monitor for about 6 months now. So, I finally bought one. Shelled out the $100. I could probably use that money for something else (VISA, teeth bill, Capitol One bill, etc.....) But I really, really, really wanted one! I feel like it will help me finally lose the last 10-15 pounds I have been working on for a year now...I lost about 12 and am still not satisfied.

Not much else going on.