Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Don't Want To Jinx Myself.....

...BUT. I am feeling better. Planning on a run tonight if I don't have to stay late at work. I REALLY NEED TO RUN. !!!!!

I am going to a Pampered Chef Party tonight. I want a cupcake carrier! I hope they have one!

Class was easy and short last night, Yay! Out in 45 minutes, that is a record!

I keep thinking how I want to get out there and run. It makes me sad not to. But sometimes, I feel like I just need a break. Along with my head and my body. I need to learn not to feel guilty for taking a few days off, or even a week. If my body is run down, I should listen to it.

I just know the longer you are gone, the more endurance you lose. Sometimes I feel like I am starting over. I had such a good 5k race, and now I feel like I am going downhill.

I just need to get back in the game. I talk a lot of talk, but I am going to have to walk the walk...I CAN DO IT. Now, if my friends would stop getting married and asking me to be a bridesmaid....Just kidding, I love it. (sort of, it is kind of pricey!)

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