Wednesday, December 3, 2008

What a Way... spend my vacation! I was so sick in bed the entire time. I missed two days of work. I am here now, and am leaving within the next thirty minutes. I feel like I may be dying. Ok, maybe not that horrible, but pretty close.

You get so used to routine and BAM. Something screws it up. On Wednesday, I ran a beautiful 5.2ish miles outiside in the beautiful November weather the Midwest sometimes receives. It was to be my last in the gorgeous weather. Friday was BE-A-U-TIFUL and I could not get up off the couch. Moved to the bed and laid there for four days.

When can I run again?? I know it will not be today and will not be tomorrow. I feel like I am going to have to start over! I know that is not true, I will be able to pound out a few, but it feels like such a setback.

I have finals next week and had planned on studying and doing my research all weekend. That went out the window. Thank god finals were not this week, I would fail.

I am leaving work soon to go home and sleep and make mashed cauliflower with peas, carrot strips and some leftover turkey thrown in.

1 comment:

Kelly said...

Are you okay? Do you have some new blog out there that I don't know about?